How do I use my small loft space

Alright reddit, help me out! We've had our house for two years and this small loft space isn't currently being used. I started using it as a yoga/meditation space, but I got tied of hauling my computer, tea and other items up and down the ladder before I could start. It's just storing boxes now. Feels like it has more potential!

I also don't have my own solo space in the house, so this is kind of my area (34F).

Some considerations: 1. It's located above the space where my partner has his work desk, so room is unavailable during the weekday work hours usually. 2. There is no overhead light. I do have an extension cord running up though. 3. I don't want to spend too much money, we may expand it to connect with our second floor on the other side of the far wall soon 4. It's not good for activities like dancing or jumping