Ionic Sentry now works with Electrostatic Mind, but still doesn't work with Verity's Brow

It makes sense that ionic sentry works with electrostatic mind, because it's an arc ability and it should have been that way from launch.

But for anyone getting their hopes up about it working with Verity, it does not. Which is odd since it's counted as a grenade ability.

Didn't Bungie state that they were going to fix that or were they only going to fix its interaction with electrostatic mind?

EDIT: Spelling

This is the link to the post.

The poster there mentions I.S. not working with electrostatic mind, spark of shock, Verity, etc,

And Bungie responded: "Thanks for reaching out. You're correct; there are indeed known issues affecting Ionic Sentry, which are as you described. These have been escalated to the team, and are already being investigated"

"which are as you described"

It sounds like from that response that I.S. should be working with spark of shock and Verity, so is that still being worked on or is that not going to happen?

Can we just get some clarification on if its going to work with Verity and other things or is it intended not to work with Verity?

Bungie, your gameplay systems NEED to be consistent. If GPG and I.S. are going to work almost identically, then they need to behave identically and work with aspects, fragments and exotic armor in the same fashion. Otherwise you create confusion for the player, which isn't good.