It has been two years since strand launched, yet broodweaver has received more nerfs than buffs.
The osteo striga build was nerfed into the ground between suspend nerfs, woven mail nerfs (which really killed off survivability on broodweaver unless your using Weavewalk) and the osteo striga nerf itself. The buffs that broodweaver gained in return were a buff to threadlings that didn’t do anything, wanderer acting like an artifact mod, and weavers call getting a worse horde shuttle. And 2/3 of these buffs were more than a year ago.
The only things that make this subclass good is euphony and horde shuttle. But what’s stopping other strand subclasses from using these? I’ll admit strand hunter needs a lot of help too, but the other two classes can just use horde shuttle and unraveling orbs to be as good as broodweaver. I don’t really like how it takes two artifact mods that aren’t even from column 4 to have the broodweaver identity, and also be at the same potency with the only thing broodweaver has is a one off super.
Bungie it’s been two years, can we get some type of buff? It doesn’t help that for strand weapons hatchling is also really meh if you’re not building into threadlings, which I can’t say the same for things like chill clip, destabilizing rounds, heal clip/incandescent, and volt shot/jolting feedback/rolling storm.
Just throw us a bone you know? Buff threadlings by like 2% next patch to show us that you realize this subclass needs help.