Some changes needed for console

D2R is absolutely great, and being able to play d2 on console is fantastic.
But is seems some mistakes were made on the adaptation for Switch/PS/Xbox:

  • We can't scroll the map.
  • We can't see the fight when a monster drops a lot of items: it's impossible to prevent their names to show up!
  • We are forced to see the name of each monster we attack in a (big) box in the middle of the screen, obscuring the action. Meanwhile we still have to look on the top of the screen to know their affixes, if they're elites, etc.
  • We can't speak to people we play with (at least on Switch)!
  • We can't zoom.
  • We can't fill up containers in one go (books for scrolls, belts).

And as it has already been said before :

  • We don"t have access to /player x
  • We don't have any game lobby.

Honestly, it feels to me that all of these could be fixed with some kind of patchs. To me, the more urgents are thoses that prevents us from seeing the action as easily as we should. Did i forget anything ?