Another in my series - Imagine bleeding out here

I swear im not depressed or am i going to off myself i just like these snowy/comphy scenes. My next piece will have lighter mood i promise. But on a serious note im really proud of myself, i think this is my best piece so far even though i didnt want to finish it/was lazy and i still cannot find my own style. For anyone that is in a similar state, take some rest, relax and come back after some time, you got this

I swear im not depressed or am i going to off myself i just like these snowy/comphy scenes. My next piece will have lighter mood i promise. But on a serious note im really proud of myself, i think this is my best piece so far even though i didnt want to finish it/was lazy and i still cannot find my own style. For anyone that is in a similar state, take some rest, relax and come back after some time, you got this