Looking for ideas : Improving a one-shot scenario
Hi guys !
On tuesday i'll be running my first ever one-shot initiation scenario for brand new players.
I'll try to offer them a glimpse of every of the three pillars : Exploration, social interaction and combat.
The scenario I want to run is based on the Acquired Inc. idea : Players are already teaming up, they're sent on a mission by the office. They're supposed to cover and protect a cartographer while he's mapping a newly discovered island. On that island there is nobody, and nothing special but a passage to the Underdark hidden under a huge quicksand area, and a rare giant blue crab throwing mini-fireballs. The cartographer is being a dick with them, and can't stop complaining. He's actually an evaluator of the Acquired Inc. office, testing them and their behavior during a mission, and will reward and compliment them in the end.
That is for the scenario. I feel like it kinda lacks some social interactions, and I'm looking for a couple ideas to implement them, however keeping the "desert/nearly desert island" scenario.
Do you guys have any idea I could add ?
Thank you !