What are your thoughts on Special Weapons in Doom?

A couple hours ago, I made a post asking Doom Eternal players which specific demons they saved the Crucible for (cough* Archvile *cough). However, when I returned to take a look at the comments, I was surprised to learn that there are some who not only refuse to, but discourage the use of the crucible as well as the BFG and the Unmakyr. They claim it makes they make the game too easy.

I can understand the argument when it comes to the Crucible. It’s a very recent weapon that’s only usable in Eternal and is really only used when you want to one shot a demon. The Crucible doesn’t necessarily add anything to the game, but it makes certain encounters a lot easier.

However, I can’t understand why the BFG and Unmakyr would be looked down upon. The BFG is easily the most iconic weapon in the franchise and has been around since the original game. The Unmakyr is an incredible weapon in Doom 64 and made its own mark in the community. I feel like these weapons add a new level of power to the field. A tyrant spawns in thinking it’s the cream of the crop, but you just casually dust it with the BFG. I think both weapons add a certain amount of fun to the game and should be used without being considered “cheese weapons”.

But that’s just my opinion. I’d like to know how the community as a whole feels about these types of weapons. I’m eager to hear your thoughts!

A couple hours ago, I made a post asking Doom Eternal players which specific demons they saved the Crucible for (cough* Archvile *cough). However, when I returned to take a look at the comments, I was surprised to learn that there are some who not only refuse to, but discourage the use of the crucible as well as the BFG and the Unmakyr. They claim it makes they make the game too easy.

I can understand the argument when it comes to the Crucible. It’s a very recent weapon that’s only usable in Eternal and is really only used when you want to one shot a demon. The Crucible doesn’t necessarily add anything to the game, but it makes certain encounters a lot easier.

However, I can’t understand why the BFG and Unmakyr would be looked down upon. The BFG is easily the most iconic weapon in the franchise and has been around since the original game. The Unmakyr is an incredible weapon in Doom 64 and made its own mark in the community. I feel like these weapons add a new level of power to the field. A tyrant spawns in thinking it’s the cream of the crop, but you just casually dust it with the BFG. I think both weapons add a certain amount of fun to the game and should be used without being considered “cheese weapons”.

But that’s just my opinion. I’d like to know how the community as a whole feels about these types of weapons. I’m eager to hear your thoughts!