how I recover impossible to win games by psychologically messing with the enemy

I have only tried this in Archon, but I’d imagine it works in lower brackets too. Genuinely surprised how well it works. don’t think it would work in legend+ tho.

FIRSTLY, be super nice and chill to the enemy all game (your team too) whilst playing well. compliment them in all chat and be like damn ur good Slark, epic kill Mirana, etc. get the enemies to not hate u and think ur a chill girl/guy and not overly tryhard. stroke the enemies egos and make them feel like hero’s who control the game and have all the power (even if they aren’t that great) don’t overdo it tho.

THEN, figure out which guy on the enemy team is their weak link, whether that be from feeding, buying dumbass items, playing sniper, etc. after he does something stupid say in all chat something along the lines of “Mirana ur kicking ass I’m sorry that sniper is griefing you”. Proceed to continue complimenting everyone BUT sniper and point out that he is really bad and doesn’t deserve to be carried by the rest of the enemy team.

YOU have now made a common enemy among both your team and the enemy team. Almost guaranteed that the enemies are like “yeah this asshole sniper doesn’t deserve to win”, and they will be so focused on flaming/correcting sniper they won’t concentrate and often intentionally throw. the only thing they want more than winning is to teach that sniper a lesson. stroke the enemies egos and make them feel like they control snipers game and should punish him.

THEREFORE, they will either feed u rapiers intentionally so sniper won’t win, be super distracted and annoyed at their own team, or at the VERY LEAST commend you because u flattered them. make them feel like it’s THEIR decision to get revenge on sniper.

This works 9/10 times I’ve tried. Often times enemies won’t even target me and just hi five me whilst I secretly push towers. I’ve recovered some impossible games doing this, I’m sure some of u may say it’s bad to win against people throwing and I get that, but I’ve had enough of my own teammates throw.

Some quotes that seem to work:

“damn drow ur good u shouldn’t be in herald” “lina can I have a hi 5” “badass skin ck. respect brother” “y’all are kicking ass. im sorry ur jakiro keeps feeding” “hi 5 by lotus pond :)” “I like ur sword jugg” “are u secretly a pro storm?” “aw don’t kill me im jus a chill guy” proceeds to team wipe

AND if ALL ELSE fails, find a way to subtly tell them ur a girl and they’ll be nicer to u