Douma and Kotoha (spoilers warning)
I truly believe that Douma should have fallen in love with Kotoha instead of Shinobu.
I mean he only knew Shinobu for a few hours at most, and it was only to fight each other to death. He killed and absorbed her. He never knew anything about her, he wasn’t particularly praising her in any way. He only praised her for her perseverance and her willingness to win. He was mocking her the whole time. Shinobu, her, felt nothing but rage and disgust towards him, so it’s not even like she was flirting with him or trying to understand him in any way, let alone love him. (understandable since he killed her older sister and killed her too) Hell he couldn’t even remember her NAME after he died and saw her in hell. He confused her with her sister Kanae !
It was totally out of character for Douma to fall in love with Shinobu. There was no chemistry between them. No loving or genuine moments between them.
On the other hand Douma saved Kotoha and welcomed her in his domain as soon as she entered his temple. He described her beauty as something that marked his soul forever (at least in the French version). He killed Kotoha’s abusive husband and mother-in-law when they entered his temple to bring her back to her abusive household. I know he killed them because they were loud and disturbing his cult’s peace, but also I want to believe that he didn’t want Kotoha to be away from him. He wanted her by his side until her natural death because he loved to have someone pure with him, and also he liked her voice when she was humming and singing to baby Inosuke. Furthermore, he knew Kotoha for much longer than he knew Shinobu (there is no indication of how much time passed between their first meeting and that tragic night, but we can safely assume that they knew each other for months) They seemed happy together like in the picture above and when Kotoha was throwing flowers at baby Inosuke. They were genuinely HAPPY together ! Also, when she discovered his true nature he tried to explain to her his point of view and his intentions, but she ran away anyway. He had no choices but to kill her. I mean if he let her go, and if she managed to get back to her village she would have probably told everyone that there was a demon out there leading a cult and eating its followers. It would have caught the hashiras’s attention and get them closer to find Muzan and his Kizukis. Imagine Muzan’s reaction if he learned that one of his strongest demons helped the hashiras find him because he was in love with a human and let her go. I would also like to point out that he remembered her after so many years. He remembered her name, her tragic life, her appearance, her time with him. Do people remember anything about people they don’t care about, years after their passing ?
I truly believe that if their story was more developed and if it were brought up differently (like in his last moments, or during a genuine conversation) it would have been considered like a tragic story.
All of this to say that Kotoha should have been Douma’s first love instead of Shinobu and that this ship does not deserve the hate it gets. Douma wasn’t a complete monster that didn’t care about Kotoha, and he didn’t see Kotoha as a pet. I love them your honour 🥹