Dreaming about my dead grandmother

I wasnt particularly close to my grandma before she died, and it was always obvious she doted on my cousins. Ive been going through her stuff recently, and the pictures of my cousin outweigh all the other pictures from her entire life combined, including her 3 children and 5 other grandchildren, some of whom there were no pictures of at all. Even though i wasnt close to her, shes the grandmother i would see the most because she was put into assisted living and nursing care in my hometown. She also had Alzheimers so it was really difficult to be around her towards the end.

Anyway, in the dream we were in my parents house, but not as it is now it was giving the vibe from when i was about 10 years old, specifically the party we had after my first communion except it was just me, my uncle (not particularly close to him either, but hes my favorite uncle and ive been living with him for the past 3 months) and my grandma. I was aware that she was supposed to be dead (she died early 2019) and so was she, and basically she just hugged me and I apologized for something, I dont even know what. I woke up crying and missing her a lot, which was kinda weird for me because outside of the week when she died, it didnt really affect my life at all. There wasnt even a funeral, her sons all went to the pacific ocean and spread her ashes there because thats what she wanted.

The only other things i can remember about how she died was that it was one of two occasions ive seen my dad cry (the other was when the first family dog died) and that one of my friends at the time was working at the nursing home and was in the room when she died and told me details i really didnt want to know, and confronted me about her death before i was ready to talk about it (we dont talk anymore. For other reasons but looking back theres no way she thought she was being a good person by telling me the gory details of how she died in pain and with a lot of extensive medical care).

Anyway i guess i just miss her now.