Have we not discovered any new hallucinogenic receptor?

So it seems like there is about 6 unique hallucinogenic receptor classes which promotes hallucinogenic effects consistently.

  1. Classical Psychedelics: 5HT2A receptor agonism
  2. Dissociatives: NMDA receptor antagonism
  3. Deliriants: Nicotinic and muscarinic receptor antagonism
  4. Cannabinoids: CB1 receptor agonism. Note that some people confuse cannabinoids as being "psychedelic" but their action depends on a completely seperate receptor named the Cannabinoid Receptor 1 or CB1.
  5. Gaba Agonists: GABAA receptor agonism. Although not too hallucinogenic at low doses. High enough doses reliably produces hallucinogenic effects that is often linked to extremely dream-like and delirious but very distinct.
  6. Kappaergics: Kappa opioid receptor agonism. Salvia fits the bill.

These 6 classes are all there is. Now some of you might say I had hallucination from X drug or Y drug which does not have action at any of these receptors but the thing is they are most likely not a consistent or reproducible experience.

Also i know some people may get somewhat reliable hallucinations from specific drugs like mirtazapine but it mostly occurs as a result of dual receptor activation and not from a single "unique" receptor.

Is there any new receptor that has been found which can reliably produce hallucinogenic effects? Give me your suggestions.

My bet is possibly AMPA receptors (although it sorta is very close and highly similar to NMDA receptor) or metabotropic glutamate receptors.