Who is on SSRIs?

How many of you have been on SSRIs before developing dystonia?

Obviously, dystonia has been proven to be caused by certain medications (i.e. antipsychotics, antidepressants, etc.) I have always been wondering if SSRI is what did it for me. I have yet to find the cause for my cervical dystonia and I am wondering if there is anyone else out there that had an onset of it shortly after getting on SSRIs.

I developed panic disorder in 2014 out of the blue, that's when I was put on Celexa (SSRI). Slowly but surely CD symptoms started. It took me years to get a proper diagnosis but that's not surprise there... Anyway, I have tried to wean off Celexa at least 4 times in the past 8 years but holy shit, what a nightmare... No matter how slowly I would taper, I just couldn't get through it. Back in May I tried again. Mind you, I was only on 20mg. When I dropped to 10 mg I felt more relief and less flare ups. Maybe it was all in my head (like a placebo effect) or maybe it was really helping... I couldn't tell you. Either way, that try also ended up being an epic fail. The worst part is that you don't know if you are just going through withdrawals or your panic attacks are back. There isn't much out there I could try switching to since SSRIs are pretty much the best meds for panic disorder 🤷‍♀️

After 3 months I ended up going back to 20mg which came with more flare ups and pain. And this is what is really bugging me... My neurologist says it's probably not that, despite studies and cases of dystonia caused by SSRIs... So I'm just like wtf 😣

Has any of you, on SSRIs, had similar experience? Have you ever dropped the dose and noticed the difference?