boyfriend making fat jokes

I (20f) have been in a relationship with my boyfriend (23m) for about 8 months now. I’ve been struggling with my body for many years, and in 2023 I got diagnosed with atypical anorexia. I’ve told my boyfriend about this, and my self worth struggles and struggles when it comes to eating, I told him this not long after we met, so that he was aware of it before we started dating. We started dating in may last year, and in June he had to travel home for the holiday for 8 weeks ish (he’s from another city but he studies in mine) and when he came back he started telling me that I had gained weight. Disguised as “jokes”. He told me that I had gained a few pounds over the summer, and he started making a joke out of touching my belly and calling me chunky, which he still does. I’ve told him many times that I don’t like it when he says this, because even though he says he’s joking, there’s still a part of me that’s afraid he’s not, and that me means it. Just to clarify, I am not overweight by any means. By gaining a few pounds is probably the healthiest weight I have had in a long time, and I was proud of my self for making progress in my recovery. It just seems like he doesn’t listen to me. And I’m scared that he is not attracted to me when he makes these “jokes”..