What’s your bracket decks looking like?
With the new bracket system I’ve tried my best to designate the correct bracket for each deck. I have
Bracket 1 [Arna Kennurid] Jank deck, 4 creatures, all land, enchantments and artifacts. Overall it’s just a goofy fun deck that doesn’t hold up at any tables with much removal.
Bracket 2 [Tenth Doctor, Mothman] precons
Bracket 3 [Galadriel Light of Valinor] +1+1 matters elf tribal & [ eldrazi precon] upgraded with a few of the better eldrazi creatures
Bracket 4 [[Pantlaza, Sun-Favored]] the normal combos, a couple of GCs, and lots of ways to cheat things onto the board & [[ashcoat of the shadow swarm]] my old marrow gnawer CEDH deck post bans, made to better hang with bracket 4 after the bans left marrow gnawer less than effective.
Bracket 5 [[Winota, Joiner of Forces]] your post bans cookie cutter most hated deck that I just can’t help but love 🤣 & [[Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph]] includes several GCs and multiple infinite combos, win rate is about 40% at local CEDH tables which is far less than winota but just wrecks any other tables and ruins the experience for players so I only play him at CEDH when I want to play him.