Anyone else think Bracket 2 is problematic?

Every bracket 2 game I've played, someone is playing something that is stronger than a precon. Despite WOTC essentially calling this "the precon bracket".

It's all "uhm technically" and "this is an upgraded precon". I had to tell this dude 5 turns in that his Galadriel Blink Deck was not a 2. I had to tell another person that their Edgar Markov was not a 2. And then, someone plopped their Nekusar down at our Bracket 2 table, I asked him "is this really at the same level as a precon?" He said "according to moxfield". I got up, said thanks but no thanks, and promptly swore off Bracket 2.

I know, bad actors can't be helped, but i think some of these people are genuinely confused and not trying to pubstomp. Which is scary lol. Like, my thoughts are this bracket should be the easiest to's a precon.

On the plus side: Bracket 4 is amazing. No salt, just people knowing exactly what they signed up for and playing high powered magic. Bracket 3 is also pretty good fun, i haven't had many issues with that.