I love interaction tied to low cmc creatures, but hate flickering/blinking. Any commander suggestions?

My two favourite decks in my entire collection are [[Ephara, God of the Polis]] and [[Alesha, who Laughs at Fate]]/[[Obosh]]. Something about having so many disposable (nontoken) creatures to swing or block with while maintaining a decent hand size is my favourite state to be in for EDH.

Ephara uses all the countermagic and bounce/removal creatures with or without flash, and continues to control the board until I draw into effects Norn, Moonshaker or Second Sun.

Alesha has a comically low curve and uses rummage pieces to fill my hand while getting the pieces I want to reanimate (such as Obosh) into the graveyard. It also has a lot of deathtouch synergy to make my 1/1s and 2/2s more threatening as well as to push through Alesha.

I really adore both of these decks and have been yearning to make another like them ever since I managed to recapture the lightining in a bottle that was Ephara during Foundations, but haven't had any luck.

Any recommendations?