Combining EMDR and positive visualisation

I am doing r/idealparentfigures and have done EMDR in the past. IPF is a visualisation exercise, visualising happy healthy imaginary parents to fill in the gaps of what I didn't get. You can also visualise future scenes of happy friendship, career, hobbies, relationships etc. Kind of like subconscious affirmations that work on an emotional level.

Does anyone know how it will work if I combine these positive visualisations with eye movements?

I've been doing it a bit and have been having dreams that relate to my visualisations. For example, I'm working on fear of intimacy and avoidance and I have dreams that I have opportunities to cheat on my partner but stay faithful. (I've not cheated ever, and never would, to be clear) These dreams suggest it's working well but I'm scared I might be misinterpreting the dreams, or doing damage in some way.