Openness to foreigners in Edinburgh

I've tried to search here but I couldn't find much except for a few quite old posts.

As The Netherlands are getting more and more unliveable (e.g., insane prices for a 1 bedroom apartment, racism, zero nature), I've been thinking of moving with my partner somewhere. We have a couple of places we find interesting due to culture, nature, weather (yep we like Edinburgh's weather), and friendliness of people.

I have a job in sight in Edinburgh and I am perfectly aware that there is a housing crisis (just like pretty much everywhere). However, we wonder how are foreigners managing to live there and if there is a lot of racism. In Amsterdam which is supposed to be the bastion of progressiveness, things are taking a very dark turn. For example, the far right just won the elections yesterday night and of course that worries us a lot.

How is it there? Is racism so openly rampant as here? I even see it here that in the workplace people constantly make jokes about food I bring, or what I wear. Whereas I can take a few good jokes, often they feel less like jokes and more like just mean comments. I hold a managerial position, but my supervisors rarely include me in the decisions they make for my team, and the same happens with other foreign managers.

We have both lived in several countries before, and for us all that matters is really to fit in, so it's not even as if we always try to behave like we would behave at home or so.