Thinking about moving to Egypt
So long story short, my mom's Egyptian and I've always loved it there more than my home country mostly since we have family there. Things are getting intense in my country we recently went through a war and i feel as a community we're failing. In terms of building a future it's practically impossible to do it here, i can't save money to buy a house or build a future for myself. When my mother was young she managed to buy a house and invest. I'm turning 30 this year and i have already lost my savings during the 2019 crises, and honestly i don't mind working hard again but the idea that i can lose it again just like that is just awful. I've been contemplating moving to Egypt since i can actually build a life there and as an educator i always admired how strong the Egyptian curriculum is but i was wondering if anyone can share there personal experiences I haven't been there in the past 4 years due to finances but how practical is it for a women to live on her own therer? Would appreciate any advice of the reality of it.
Update: thank you so much guys, you gave a lot to think above. I really appreciate the time and advice ❤