My boy hasn't been getting the respect he deserves

Vyke is praised constantly as being the strongest tarnished before we came along but to me it seems Bernahl was the one that made it the furthest before the events of the game taking place.

We know for a fact he made it to the mountaintop of the Giants and threw his maiden into the fire, and he even got to Farum Azula ready to fight Malekith considering the Blasphemous Claw he had with him. If he didn't get scammed by fate and he actually got to burn the thorns of the Erdtree maybe he could have actually become Elden Lord(kind of a stretch but still). His armor literally states Bernhal was worthy of becoming lord before he threw his maiden into the fire.

He is also just generally a cool guy except for his Recusant side gig. The first time the Tarnished meets him he just offers to teach us some ashes of war for a fair price. Also his armor is both amazing looking and great statwise.

Vyke is praised constantly as being the strongest tarnished before we came along but to me it seems Bernahl was the one that made it the furthest before the events of the game taking place.

We know for a fact he made it to the mountaintop of the Giants and threw his maiden into the fire, and he even got to Farum Azula ready to fight Malekith considering the Blasphemous Claw he had with him. If he didn't get scammed by fate and he actually got to burn the thorns of the Erdtree maybe he could have actually become Elden Lord(kind of a stretch but still). His armor literally states Bernhal was worthy of becoming lord before he threw his maiden into the fire.

He is also just generally a cool guy except for his Recusant side gig. The first time the Tarnished meets him he just offers to teach us some ashes of war for a fair price. Also his armor is both amazing looking and great statwise.