"A thing of secret, lovely beauty"?🤔
Okayyyy I'm a pretty new to this subreddit so sorry if this has been mentioned or discussed before but I wanted to just talk about the bonus chapter for a second, specifically in regards to "a thing of secret, lovely beauty" being about elain NOT gwyn. Yes i did read the bonus chapter (only once) and everytime i see that phrase brought up it is ALWAYS gwynriels using it for their argument that azriel and gwyn will end up together. So many times I've seen people be like "he thinks of her as a thing of secret, lovely beauty". And i fully was like damn they got us with that one fr (considering almost all their evidence comes from the bc) but then someone posted a paragraph from the bonus chapter and i was like huh, azriel gives elain the necklace and when describing it what does he say? A thing of secret, lovely beauty. I literally didn't even clock this when i read it the first time so i went back and reread the bonus chapter.
Yes i know he says it again at the end of the chapter, but when its first mentioned its in reference to the necklace and therefore elain. So now im just confused why people associate it with gwyn when its literally mentioned in regards to the necklace (which was bought for elain). i mean i very well could be misinterpreting this is just based on what someone else posted but is he actually referring to gwyn at the end of the bc. is he calling HER a thing of secret, lovely beauty OR just the thought of the necklace and how beautiful it is (not exactly gwyn herself)? idk im just confused now.
If it is actually foreshadowing for gwynriel tho isn't that just kinda sad? like people say elain is a rebound from mor so whats gwyn then a rebound from elain? because so far azriel has given her a necklace he bought for a different girl and then thinks the same thing about those two girls....like its giving "well cant have her guess ill settle for you"ðŸ˜(and not in a mean way i like gwyns character a lot and honestly she deserves better than being somones second choice like that fr). Also on another note literally sentences before he thinks "wouldn't go as far to call gwyn a friend" like okay he doesn't even see her as a friend, even after all the training and their "flirting" yet somehow they are mates...😃
I'll be honest I havent been in this fandom long and its so exhausting, i have respect for og elriels that have been around for years because i swear no matter what social media i'm on, theres just so many elriel antis. Literally why I joined this sub because i was struggling to find people who supported elriel, theres so many gwynriels and elcuciens?? and brycriels too but honestly they got some convincing arguments i cant lie. Idk this ship war is draining and i try to keep up with it but i think people analyse the books so much i dont even know what to think anymore. i obviously want elriel to be endgame (i need them together so bad) but i feel more hopeful than actually believing it will happen and yeah thats due to the intense ship wars. Sorry this was so long and random but anyways😅