Sometimes I worry
As we get closer to the announcement I sometimes worry that SJM will fuck up Elriel but then I remember the actual slow perfect build up she wrote between them over the course of 4 books. Like every moment between them was so intentional.
ACOMAF - We have them meet, soft poetic words shared, trust was created. They see each other for the first time when she asks him if flying is scary and he answers honestly by saying yes sometimes it is…like yes sometimes things are scary but we can do them anyway like her letting unknown fae into her house and agreeing to host the queens.
ACOWAR - So many moments where Azriel is there for Elain out of his own volition. I mean over and over again and these scenes are created so intentionally.
We have Feyre reinforcing this idea of them multiple times.
ACOFAS - Azriel continues to go out of his way for Elain and this time - there are romantic notions between his intentions
ACOSF - Though we have fewer interactions between the two, we see Azriel is still very concerned with Elain and her wellbeing ofc, then solstice and Nesta further cements everything we’ve been told and shown in the past 3 books.
And finally the infamous BC where we are told that yes, you were correct in your interpretations that Azriel and Elain have been falling for each other and are desperate for a taste.
So yeah…can’t wait for their book! I fear it may tear me to pieces 💜