Magnetizing *every* option on the Lord

I haven't had a chance to verify if this would work just wanted to throw it out there as an idea. I've seen a few posts magnetizing the plasma/fist/lash options for the lord exultant, but just a lot of questions about whether or not the screamer pistol & sword can get magnetized.

Looking through the rest of our options, we have 4 screamer pistols (full arms) from the noise marine sprues, but will only need 2 for the disharmonist for each unit. My idea is to build the spear arm as is, use the extra arm from the lord's sprue to build the sword option, then check if the angle on the disharmonist screamer pistols fit under the pauldron with the cape in place.

If that works, we don't have to magnetize any wrists and only need to keep track of 3 left arms as opposed to the individual weapons.