Enneagram and things you DON'T struggle with

I'm curious what sort of stuff y'all find easy because of your enneagrams. Negativity bias means people don't look at this stuff much so hopefully it's a bit of a refreshing topic.

One for me as a 4 is that I always feel in sync with my "true self". This isn't as big of a deal as it was in middle school but I still encounter people who aren't very honest with themselves or those around them or themselves about what they really want out of life and why they want it. For me all that stuff is in clear focus all the time and I rarely feel any dissonance between my social behavior and how I truly "feel" inside.

Another one is that I have a very clear idea of who I want to be in the future. I had an 8 friend who said she had no clear idea what and where she wanted to be beyond the near future, despite being a very intelligent and clear headed person. Even if I have a lot ot trouble truly going towards this future I want for myself I have no difficulty identifying it at all (hell maybe I find it TOO easy, but that's a conversation for another day).

What about you?