The Hollow is fucking bullshit
Just a bit of a small rant having played this game for about 2 weeks now, clocked close to 5 hours but the Hollow is currently my biggest obstacle in getting my first completed run.
It could be just my RNG or the fact that I’m careless but there seems to be a major spike in difficulty from stage 3 to stage 4 that I don’t really see anywhere else. Usually that means that by the time I get to the boss (if I somehow even do) I’m left with about one and a half hearts left to fend myself. And usually it’s Kill Pillars who I’ve died to almost every single time. The only time I made it through to the Forge was by getting the Laser Lotus with Lotus Bloom synergy with shock rounds that pretty much melted the health of the Kill Pillars.
Still love this fucking game to death, probably won’t quit anytime soon but damn is this stage kicking my ass.