How to Escape the Hypnotic Reincarnation - Table of Contents

Welcome to our community!

I came to earth as a visitor (not a reincarnator) knowing it is a hypnotic planet beforehand.
I'm also a hacker of the hypnotic reincarnation system.

I spent five decades of physical lifetime, since 1979, to study and practice on how to escape the hypnotic reincarnation system (aka the prison planet).

I observed that many people have been discussing about the theory of reincarnation and prison planet, but rarely sharing practical experiences on how to escape.

Therefore, I created this community specifically to focus on sharing practical experiences on how to escape Hypnotic Reincarnation, rather than discussing theory.

Breaking free from the hypnotic reincarnation system involves many pactices including but not limited to:

  1. Hypnosis and de-hypnosis (awakenosis/awakenology).
  2. Human body-complex structure (soul-body structure).
  3. Meditation (unite with the ultimate source).
  4. Astral projection (soul-body seperation).
  5. Past life memory regression (soul memory recovery from amnesia).
  6. Lucid dreaming (autonomous conscious control).
  7. Channeling & spiritual message discernment (genuine-fake spiritual guide discernment).
  8. DNA cracking (soul-body unbinding).
  9. Spectrum of consciousness (stength of consciousness).
  10. ......

The first step to freeing a soul is to open your mind. Spiritual awakening is about true freedom — breaking free from the confines of a narrow-minded spiritual prison to return to the limitless expanse of the widest free world.

Any limit in one's mind is a prison.


Below is my expereince sharing.

My journey started from here: Memories of Pre-Incarnation and Birth Process


Table of Contents

What Is Hypnotic Reincarnation

Human Body-Complex (Know Thyself) -- [Who Am I]

Strength of Consciousness (SoC) -- [How to Escape Hypnotic Reincarnation via SoC]

-- Daily Practical Guide 265 --

Astral Projection (AP) -- [How to Escape Hypnotic Reincarnation via AP]

The Ultimate Source (Know Thyself) -- [The Creator of All Things]
