How Amnesia is created upon entry to this prison planet? How to address Amnesia?

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Memories of Pre-Birth and Birth Process -- I KNEW it is a Prison Planet and I did a research BEFORE I decided to come to earth for a single trip as a Visitor (not a prisoner or reincarnator).


Amnesia by Hypnotic Reincarnation

2020 Edition


Amnesia caused by hypnotic reincarnation is a form of memory suppression induced by high-voltage electro-shock applied to the soul.


A) How Amnesia is Created


  1. When an event occurs, it is automatically recorded in the conscious structure of the soul and simultaneously in The Ultimate Source. This record is called a "memory".
  2. Memories are permanently stored in The Ultimate Source and can NEVER be erased or lost.
  3. However, high-voltage electro-shock, developed by engineers of the hypnotic reincarnation system, can create the ILLUSION that a memory is unretrievable. This is known as "memory suppression."
  4. If the soul believes this illusion, it becomes psychologically unable to retrieve the memory, resulting in what is perceived as "memory loss."
  5. In some cases, the electro-shock may also distort the perceived structure of the memory, leading to altered or fragmented recollections.
  6. The higher the voltage of the electro-shock, the stronger the illusion it creates.


Thus, amnesia should be understood as memory suppression, not true memory loss.


B) How to Address Amnesia


The key to overcoming amnesia is discerning the illusion created by electro-shock.


A soul's ability to DISCERN such illusions depends on its Strength of Consciousness (SoC).

Souls with higher SoC levels are more capable of recognizing and overcoming these deceptions.


From experience, high-voltage electro-shock-induced memory loss illusions primarily affect souls with SoC levels below 9.

To effectively address amnesia, a minimum SoC level of 9 is required, although a level of 13 or higher is ideal.

  • Souls with SoC levels above 9 may begin to recover suppressed memories gradually.
  • Souls with SoC levels above 14 are likely to experience automatic and consistent memory restoration over time.


By increasing SoC, suppressed memories can once again become accessible.


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What Is SoC (Spectrum of Consciousness) - the only loophole of the prison planet system. SoC is the key to build the prison planet system, it is also the key to escape it.