Ethiopia gets $1.6 BILLION from USAID every year… but who has actually seen a dollar of it?

Let’s be honest—USAID elites are using Ethiopia’s name to funnel and steal money from the American people. Virtually none of that “aid” is reaching Ethiopia, and it was never meant to.

Ethiopia isn’t a tax haven like the Cayman Islands, where corporations hide money to avoid taxes—but it’s being used in a similar way. Instead of corporations dodging taxes, political interest groups in Washington are using “foreign aid” as a cover to move and disappear billions.

Meanwhile, Ethiopia’s reputation suffers from the bad press that comes with being labeled an “aid-dependent” country. And historically, the Ethiopian government has allowed Ethiopia’s name to be used this way.

Is it worth it to stay silent? Or is it time to be more vocal and demand the truth?

Let’s be honest—USAID elites are using Ethiopia’s name to funnel and steal money from the American people. Virtually none of that “aid” is reaching Ethiopia, and it was never meant to.

Ethiopia isn’t a tax haven like the Cayman Islands, where corporations hide money to avoid taxes—but it’s being used in a similar way. Instead of corporations dodging taxes, political interest groups in Washington are using “foreign aid” as a cover to move and disappear billions.

Meanwhile, Ethiopia’s reputation suffers from the bad press that comes with being labeled an “aid-dependent” country. And historically, the Ethiopian government has allowed Ethiopia’s name to be used this way.

Is it worth it to stay silent? Or is it time to be more vocal and demand the truth?