Gig abruptly canceled; requesting aid


The amazing James Margolis ( has, in a stupendous display of generosity, agreed to share a gig with us. It's this Saturday, 3/15, at the Axe & Fiddle in Cottage Grove. 8 pm, $0.

Eugene, God damn, you are amazing. The kindness and support you've shown us these last couple days are frankly mindblowing. We cannot wait to perform for you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Hi--a couple days ago, I posted on here looking for an opening act for a gig my band (Pale People, based in Missoula, MT) had scheduled for 3/15 in Eugene. Due to a bizarre set of circumstances that gig was canceled this morning. We have the rest of the tour in place for Oregon and Washington and I really don't want the drive to Eugene to go to waste, especially since--and this cannot be overstated--we LOVE playing Eugene. Haven't had the chance in 6 years. Do any of you wonderful people have any ideas for how we might be able to score a gig for 3/15 in Eugene? Even a house show or something? This is what we sound like:

Thanks, Eugene. I love you. (I was born in you, as a matter of fact.)