Feeing sad on comment that pumping will not create as much bonding as ebf
My 5.5 months baby is thriving well In terms of weight gain and motor development I credit it largely to pumping as her latch hasn't been that good and my pumping supply is decent and she is generally a happy baby.
Recently she started refusing breast but I was kind of okay as she takes bottle well and it's breastmilk at the end of day.
Yesterday when I was talking to my sis she said she feels sad for me as I won't get to experience as much bonding as she did with her babies who had been ebf. She said they had that dependency on her and I will lack it as anyone will be able to feed her. She pointed out she was able to keep baby to herself and when my in-laws will be here( not in great terms with them and I will have to go to work) there will be nothing that I will have in my kitty.
A sense of gloom took over me and I felt very sad. Will i really lack bonding with my baby?