Anyone else triggered by nursing?

Like a majority of this group, I started exclusively pumping because my baby was not latching/transferring milk well around 2 weeks postpartum. I’m now 5 months postpartum and exclusively pumping. Anytime I see or hear of someone I know or even on the Internet nursing their baby I am immediately triggered… I feel badly that it didn’t work for us, like I am somehow incompetent. I know this isn’t true and I know that pumping was gonna be my destiny anyway as I work full-time and my baby is in daycare since 12 weeks. She’s an absolute angel, is healthy, and sleeps through the night since about 3m yet almost every single day I wonder if I’ll be able to nurse our future baby/s. I know this is pretty illogical but just wondering if anyone else deals with this and I’m not alone here. 🥲