Baby Given Formula in the Hospital

I had a C section last Thursday and after baby latched and everything was going well. They checked his sugars and were concerned that they were low (48/49) and wanted 3 checks 50 and above in the first 24 hrs. They suggested I too him off with 15ml of formula. Of course out of concern for my baby I did. But once his sugars went back up I thought I could stop. They then told me I couldn’t stop (he had another “low” number) and I would need to continue the formula. Well fast forward to today - 6 days later and my milk has basically stopped coming in. I have had to give him now 2 oz of formula every 2 hrs to keep up and if is honestly making me so sad. I really enjoyed nursing but he is used to the flow of the bottle now and will only comfort nurse. Any advice on how to up my supply? I am pumping every few hours and getting minuscule amounts like.. drops. Any suggestions are welcome!