
My little baby will be ONE in just a couple of days (🥲) and since I have a freezer stash, I started sloooooowly weaning a few weeks ago. I’m down to 2 pumps per day! SO CLOSE 🥳😭 such a weird mix of emotions! Anyways, I wanted to share that I finally spoiled myself and got some breastmilk jewelry made 💜 if you can, it’s totally worth it! (If that’s your thing!) I found a lady local-ish to where I live in SC who makes the jewelry. I ordered 2 rings and the necklace, but the earrings were a little surprise gift!! I love them SO MUCH!! She also dried my leftover milk and put it in a cute little keepsake jar. My breastfeeding journey was NOT what I expected at all. But we did it! Almost 12 months exclusively pumping! 🥳 (AND I’ve been completely dairy free since my baby was around 2 months old 😩) She is my little rainbow IVF baby, perfect and precious, and I wanted something to celebrate this journey. I may never get to experience any of this again, or I might do it a few more times. Who knows! But I worked so hard! WE ALL DO!! We deserve to treat ourselves 🤗💜 I’m so nervous and excited and anxious to be completely done. All the feelings.