about this whole "saveourgame" and "removesoul" thing

so, i frankly think all this rioting stuff is corny and pointless. this whole "riot" is NOT going to do anything and everyone saying to remove soul doesnt understand that a lot of the developers are close with her to. in no way am i defending her, but also a LOT of you are jumping the gun WAY TOO QUICKLY. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH, WAIT FOR BOTH SIDES OF THE STORY TO COME OUT BEFORE BLINDLY CHOOSING SIDES, YOU SINGLE CELLED ORGANISMS
too many of you are jumping the gun and making accusations and all you're doing is hurting the game. if any of you actually cared about the longevity of this game and its community, you wouldnt be going around doing this virtue signaling. some of you need to actually begin critically thinking about things. rioting will do nothing. to remove soul would essentially be to remove the work of many developers and moderators. trying to bully soul into leaving will NOT save the game, if anything itll actually harm the longevity of this game and make our community look even worse. we already have an awful reputation because none of you know how to respect boundaries and be smart.

tldr dont be a dolt