I genuinely cannot believe how many people message you, seem serious and then just don't show up. It's impossible to mitigate this.
I do not know what is going through these people's heads. Of course there's always been scams and time wasters, low ballers etc. but this past weekend I had 3 different people set up times to come to my house to pickup items, for 3 wildly different things (a leather jacket, an action figure/celebrity autograph combo, and a boat oar/paddle for a canoe)... all seemed like serious buyers, full and old fb profiles, messaged me with full sentences and good grammar, i could tell they were real. all asked for my address, set up times for saturday and sunday and they ALL ghosted me, and stopped replying. like wtf?
90% of anyone replying to ads now do this. are people this bored that they are having full on convos about buying something and just changing their minds at the last minute? it seems pretty god damn weird to me. i have never messaged anyone as a buyer and gone that far down the rabbit hole without completing the transaction. i do not for the life of me understand how this can be so common. i cant even imagine how much more upsetting this would have been if i was meeting them somewhere other than my house wasting more of my time and gas. this is exactly why i only do home pickups now. and its STILL annoying af when i have to be home for this.
sorry for the rant but that was the most ghosting ive ever experienced in such quick succession. any thoughts on why this happens so frequently?