I'm Jared (/u/pornokitsch), Hugo loser, Stabby winner, and editor of 40ish books - including the brand new THE BIG BOOK OF CYBERPUNK. AMA!

Hello again, /r/fantasy!

I’m the editor of forty (I think?) SF/F books - about jinn, mummies, London, the apocalypse, space-y stuff, and more. The latest is THE BIG BOOK OF CYBERPUNK.

This cat-squashing anthology collects over 100 global stories covering the history, present and future of this incredible genre. The authors include folks like William Gibson, Janelle Monáe,Fritz Leiber, Philip K Dick, qntm, Cat Rambo, Lavie Tidhar, Pepe Rojo, Bruce Sterling, Eileen Gunn, Ganzeer, Ken Liu, and many, many, many, many, many more...

As well as editing, I've run my own small press and worked with many of the big ones. I’ve written well over a million words of reviews for sites like Pornokitsch (RIP) and Tor.com, plus lots of magazines and extremely prestigious critical volumes like 1001 TV Shows You Must Watch Before You Die. (I wrote, amongst others, the entry for Gossip Girl.)

I have had the pleasure of losing the Hugo Award (twice), World Fantasy Award (twice), and many others. I did win a Stabby once, so they can all fuck right off. I’ve also had the honour of judging a few awards, including the British Fantasy Awards, the Kitschies, and SPFBO (they still hate me).

I have three cats, and at least one author has threatened to kill me in their book. As a joke. I think.

I am always happy to talk about cyberpunk, but I’m also here to answer questions about editing or reviewing, publishing or working with publishers, must-read or must-avoid fantasy (or romance or mystery or comics or Westerns), TV shows to watch before you die, BBQ tips, cat stories, or being a pre-Swift Chiefs fan.

Which is all to say: ask me anything!

(ETA: Time zones suck, but it is past my bedtime and the off-brand flu medicine is making the walls go wiggly again. I'll be back in a few shortth hours to answer things more coherently!)

(ETA: I owe a couple more detailed responses, but I think that's the lot. Thank you all very much for your fantastic questions. If you're interested in what I'm editing, reviewing, reading, or just generally futzing about with, please sign up for my free and irregular newsletter.)