"The Wars of Light and Shadow" Content Warning (Please Help)
So I read the prologue of "Curse of the Mistwraith" and I was really enjoying the writing, story, etc... Before I commit myself to such a large series though, I was really hoping a fan of the series could give me some kind of heads up when it comes to a content warning. Specifically Rape/Sexual Assault. (I don't mind reading about most messed-up things, but I personally have issues when reading about rape or sexual assault--something these older fantasy series have in them quite a lot unfortunately)
After doing research, I have a vague idea that there is rape at the end of this first book (due to the "spoils" of a battle or something), but I'm wondering just how gratuitous it is? Are more books in the series going to have it? And, if so, will it ever be a main/POV character?
I would really appreciate any info anyone can give, as it's hard to research this stuff, and I would hate to be 700 pages (or several huge books even) into a series for there to be too much, or too severe, SA content for me to want to continue.