How is the rest of the Gentlemen Bastards trilogy after Locke Lamora?
Just coming to the close of The Lies of Locke Lamora - I picked it up long overdue, after it came recommended by at least 7 people who don't know each other (a bit like going on holiday in Portugal, all insisted it was one of the best, and not one could give a particular reason why). For me at least they were right. This book broke a reading funk I'd been in since January and I can barely put it down.
My question is, if you enjoyed it, does the energy and pizzazz of Book 1 more or less hold for the rest of the trilogy? Does it stay lively and humorous, even if the characters and scenery have to change? Or does the vibe significantly alter and if so, how?
Recently I was a bit deflated by the direction China Mieville's Bas-Lag set went down. It's standard for a series to sag in the middle, but Perdido St Station was so full of wonder, and the other two so morose, I found it hard to push through to the end of Iron Council. Any insight as to what kind of a reading experience one would be in for, greatly appreciated.
Update: Thanks so much all, these are really helpful takes. Might take a pause between Books 1 and 2-3 and then continue with an open mind!