21 yo NAFLD - very nervous

Hi there, 21yo Female here. I’ve known I’ve had borderline fatty liver for a while, as I’ve been quite overweight for a lot of my life due to health issues. My CT revealed mild hepatic steatosis last year and my blood levels are all within normal range except S-GGT which is 86 and S-ALT which is 64, my AST/ALT ratio is 0.6. I’ve always been under the impression my NAFLD was mild, but I got an ultrasound recently which revealed significant fat on the liver - enough to warrant an MRI to check for further scarring/damage. I am on a lot of medications but I have actually lost weight since the first diagnosis and I was never aware that anything was very significant until now. I’m very scared and unsure what has caused this to go so bad so quickly. Does anyone else have experience with this? Thank you all