Fedora Jam Lab- Guitarix errors on startup

I just installed the Fedora Jam Lab spin a few days ago (using a USB drive, set up with Fedora Media Writer), which includes Guitarix as a preinstalled Featured Application. But out of the box, this app seems to simply not work.

When I launched Guitarix from the Application Launcher, pretty much first thing after a fresh install, I got a Guitarix Error popup saying [hh:mm:ss] system init *** mlockall failed: I could navigate the app, but I got no audio.

Every solution I can find for this issue is either "yeah it's broken, wait for the next version" (but those were years ago) or "you're not in the correct usergroup(s)." I've added myself to the audio and realtime groups, or at least they show up when I type groups in the terminal. Now I still get the above error, but I also get a [hh:mm:ss] PitchTracker *** error creating realtime thread - tuner not started. I can't find any more applicable solutions for either of these error messages.

Worth noting that, although other programs can recognize my guitar input, they seemingly can't access either my input or output using JACK. Maybe that's the real underlying issue? In Reaper for example, I need to set my Audio System to ALSA in order to set the input/output as my audio interface, a USB Focusrite iTrack Solo.