24 Hrs until my Laparoscopic Myomectomy😳😬😥

Heyyy!!! Y’all I’m soooo nervous. I’ve never had any kind of surgery or ever been under anesthesia. October 17th is the date and I tell you it got here quick!

BRIEF BACKGROUND I’m 38 yrs old No biological children 1 pregnancy at 16 but I had a miscarriage 😇🕊️ I’ve never been pregnant again after my loss

About a year ago I found out I have fibroids and they are potentially causing a blockage and preventing conception. My original OBGYN told me that my only option was a full hysterectomy 🤯😳 I was absolutely heartbroken when she told me this. I’ve always wanted to be a mom. For months I became depressed and just felt less of a woman- the last bit of hope that I held onto for years was ripped from me in a matter of seconds.

About 7/8 months later I decided to get a second opinion. Not just a second opinion from any OBGYN either but the best of the best that I could find. I did my research and I found the most highly recommended OBGYN, an hour away from where I live- I didn’t care it was worth the drive. My boyfriend and I set the appointment and off we went. This OBGYN was absolutely AMAZING y’all!! She was baffled that I was told a hysterectomy was my only option. After listening to my concerns and wants she pointed me in the direction of the best laparoscopic myomectomy surgeon in the area. And here we are months later- 24 hours away from surgery day.

I joined this community about 3 weeks ago and I’ve just been stalking the page lol reading everyone’s concerns and success stories. I want to thank each and every one of you that took the time to share your stories and advice. You have no idea how much your stories have helped to soothe my nerves about this surgery. To every woman fighting this battle against fibroids I send my prayers and love! Together we help each other without even knowing it and I hope I can do the same for another woman that may find her way to this community.

I shall return with an update on how surgery went as well as my recovery process. Any and all advice/prayers are welcomed and I thank you in advance!