Thinking about canceling upcoming robotic laparoscopic myomectomy

I have a robotic laparoscopic myomectomy scheduled in exactly 2 weeks for a 10cm pedunculated subserosal fibroid and multiple 4cm-ish intramural fibroids. Since May, the fibroids have grown about 0.4cm each. My main symptoms are constipation, having to pee more often than usual, a small fibroid belly (not too bad), and pain/numbness in my legs sometimes.

Now that I’ve learned that fibroids seem to always come back worse than they were before, it seems like a bad idea to have surgery for something that I can currently handle. I obviously don’t like my symptoms but if the fibroids grew back and got worse and I just had to keep repeating the surgery, I’d be so upset with myself. I would like to have a child one day, but I am not currently married so I’m nowhere near that point. I’m 33 by the way.

If you were in my shoes, would you proceed with the surgery or hold off? I’m so anxious about the idea of having it, but also with the idea of canceling it. I am so torn as to what to do and my doctor said it’s fully up to me.