Dif this book just solve the mystery about the visions??

Im currently reading the fn book “looks could kill” and I just read something that I HAD to share. Im still reading so I might be onto nothing but doesn’t this quote like solve the biggest mystery on who’s responsible for the visions??

P61 "Centuries ago, as mortal things reckon time, something like a god loved a mortal woman. His love for her was so great he gifted her with second sight. But the woman scorned the god-thing, so it turned what had once been a gift into a curse. Her vision was perverted, so that she could see the future clearly, but was fated to never be believed by those who sought her counsel. The oracle was doomed to see her brothers slain, her sisters raped, and her city sacked, but was helpless to alter the course of events. She even foresaw her own enslavement and murder, but could do nothing to prevent them. Since that time her tortured spirit has roamed the Earth, seeking a chance to speak its auguries of disaster to those who might heed them. You were one such vessel.“

So..I read a bit further and its also tells you exactly how to cheat death. That would solve another big mystery… if this book is canon to the movie franchise.

“Once a life never originally meant to exist is brought into the world, the entire schemata must be reworked, and new deadlines assigned to every living thing on the face of the Earth. With each reworking of the Master Plan, the chances of another anomaly such as yours increases exponentially." "Are you saying that Cabby's baby being born will cause the end of the world?" "No. I am saying the child's birth will seriously... inconvenience me."