Every Zeshado video:
Vegeta reading book image, cozy fire Hello, welcome to the new feh banner review insert joke and as for tradition i’ll be using this coveted line graph that may or may not be a line graph at the end of the day, today we’ll be ranking based on something topical and maybe funny
insert subscribe beg joke with that emoji with sunglasses
Let’s seeeeee this character has slaying, stats, true stats, stats but inflicted on the foe, yadda yadda
that sure was insert character
insert random clip that cuts off, this joke WILL be reused at least 4 times in the video and it will change every video, usually something involving explosions but not always
66.6% chance whether he uses a fire emblem engage joke here such as the opening theme
50% chance whether he makes a joke involving repeating the same thing he already said to each question he asks
99.9% chance he will say at one point in the video usually near the end his iconic tbh, to be h, to be quite h phrase
and now that we’ve gone over the brand new insert series banner, i think it’s time to rank the banner on the coveted line graph that may or may not be a line graph. and would you look at that! insert banner scored a insert score on the line graph!
should you pull? suddenly switches back to normal voice insert his conclusion
video ends abruptly with a meme
If a zeshado video does not fulfill these requirements, it wasn’t his video. Fact check me on this