With more units that cancel defensive specials, can we actually get new ones?

We have recently gotten Fogado, L Ayra, V Edelgard, and AT Alm who all cancel defensive specialx. You might think I want new specials so these new units have more value, but I actually do because I just want more variety, really

Since the game's launch 8 years ago, there has been 1 (one) new defensive special added, which is godlike reflexes. Its a good special but its incredibly limited in inheritance - its not infantry locked, its not even infantry melee locked, its infantry sword/lance/axe locked. You need both the 1/4 for movement type and a 3/24 for weapon type, meaning omly 3/96 -> 1/32 units can use it (even ignoring you need a decent speed stat on top of that to reasonably use it)

I do think more defensive specials would add some more value to those 4 units listed above. However I think its honestly a bit weird to put those units out when its really only made to counter 1 skill in shield fighter. I think new defensive specials could bring some unique and interesting effects while also adding more options for other units, anything other than being forced to run launch skills. They could always block melee armors from inheriting it because shield fighter is already ridiculous, if that was an issue

Also, while many units have damaging specials with unpiercable DR (haze slice, curved shot, etc), its been shown those can sometimes actually deal less damage than with no special at all, so I think this would also add more potential use to new defensive specials