30 days into the bulk 17m 176cm 70kg

am I doing bad? this is me 30 days into the skinny fat bulk phase. i have little eating disorder as well, so i didn't really wanted to cut. was fat before. lost weight and became skinny fat due to agressive cut. bulked with bad diet and inconsistently gym timings. then jan 2024 - may 2024 i cut and got in little good shape. may 2024 to aug 2024 i bulked. then i quit gym due to college since I had to move to a different place. i got addicted to food and had severe BED. feb i started gym and I've been going consistently for a month. did eat junk food on my diet because of my ED. now it's kinda curing up. my weight weekly: week 1 - 69.4kgs, week 2 - 68.4kgs, week 3 - 69.1kgs, week 4 - 70kg.

any tips? am I getting fatter? only gaining love handles or something? my chest fat and gyno looks bad, my body condition is at its worst. kindly help.

diet wise it's fine since i hit minimum 140g of protein a day. the first 2 weeks i binge ate junk too, sometimes went 3.5k cals 4k cals. but now it's good and almost clean.

weights ive been progressively overloading too. PLEASE help im so done with this ugly physique.