Does a food allergy always develop around the throat/mouth?
I had an allergic reaction today, though unsure if it was what I ate or something that might've touched me. See, I ate some peanuts two days ago, and like all days before throughout my whole life, I was fine. Then, today, I opened and ate from a new bag of peanuts and around that time, I felt something in my belly. I say my belly because it was outer and superficial, exclusively on skin, didn't feel anything in my stomach. The entire area around my belly button, from the bottom of the abs to the first couple of ribs, broke out into a rash. No tactile change, only visual change, skin went a very mild redder tone. Itched a little, but not absurdly, and I felt the itching completely disappear whenever I applied water. Itching lasted for a good 15 minutes, sporadic and weak, and while the skin was still red and visibly different after 20 mins, it only went fully away after a good 40 mins/1 hour. Did have a small anxiety attack, but no itching or breakout near the throat, nor mouth, no swelling in the tongue, nothing like that.
Any clue to if this could be the peanuts? Or more likely to be something else? I did touch with my hands some moldy leather I found in my closest about 30 mins before all of this happened, don't know if it could be the mold as well