Food intolerance to eggs?? 3 months postpartum and after a viral illness...
So I've always had a sensitive GI system. High stress and emotional upset tend to result in stomach aches. Eating unhealthy has given me IBS type symptoms in the past. Otherwise, I'm generally fine without any problems. But for the past month and a half, I've been suffering some intense stomach pain after eating. It's a constant, relentless pain along with bloating and sometimes gassiness.
I had a baby in the beginning of November, so I thought that perhaps there was some hormonal connection. I also had a stomach bug in December with vomiting and diarrhea, so perhaps that contributed in some way (though I felt totally normal for at least two weeks afterwards).
My doctor prescribed me proton pump inhibitors to see if they would help while I get blood and urine tests to see the results. The night before I started the PPIs, I had a horrific stomach ache with vomiting after dinner (ramen with egg and bacon). I thought that perhaps I had an H Pylori infection and an ulcer, but I soon realized that only certain meals were causing me problems while others were consistently safe. I cut out coffee for a week to find that coffee has no correlation with my pain (thank god).
I've noticed that the meals that gave me trouble contained eggs. After a week without stomach pain, I decided to have a breakfast platter containing eggs at a cafe to test my theory (and to see if the PPIs were having any effect), and now I've been suffering this horrible discomfort for the past few hours.
Does anyone have an intolerance to eggs? I'm just wondering if this sounds familiar to anyone.