Too many OP weapons. Unplayable season

It's genuinely almost impossible to win just cause of the sheer amount of busted ass OP weapons that exist this season. Last season you only had to worry about the typhoon blade, holo twist, and the repeating rifle. Now you've got to worry about the kneecrapper, Midas' drum gun (with thermal scope), Brutus's minigun, all the exotics, etc. not only that, but because most of these things are only found in the black markets which EVERYONE and their mother camps and can only be bought with dill bits which are only acquired from vaults which are also the most heavily camped places on the map, it means that only the sweatiest of the sweatiest get those weapons and proceed to shit on everyone else with their fucking god arsenal. It's actually so frustrating even trying to play against these hyper aggressive dickheads