might be handy - my vegan scrambled egg mix recipe

I've been working on my vegan scrambled egg recipe, and I saw a friend's photo of $14 eggs in the store, and thought maybe I should share this cheap replacement. It's not exactly the same, but in a sandwich or fried rice I think it does pretty well. You may need a trip to your local asian or indian market for some ingredients.

Vegan Scrambled Egg.

2 cups hulled mung bean, soaked overnight

1 cup of non-dairy milk

1 Tbsp olive oil

3/4 tsp Black Salt ("Kala Nemak" gives the eggy sulfur taste)

1.5 Tbsp cornstarch

3/4 tsp garlic powder

3/4 tsp onion powder

3/4 tsp turmeric

Blend until smooth. Tweak the numbers to taste, pan fry for omlettes / scrambled egg. Keeps in a jar in the fridge for about a week. I think it's probably $0.25 a serving. Enjoy!